Elsbeth Meuth

In June Dr. Elsbeth Meuth,

spoke at the United States Women’s Summit in D.C., sponsored by the White House. She got honored for her dedication to bring her mission to women in the US and to women all around the world. This is just a start. I congratulate her for her dedication and courage to live what she expresses. How honored I am to converse with her a couple weeks later on this episode of the Sacred Expression Show.

See how he nudges us women with tenderness to explore ourselves. Observe for yourself in the video or audio what magical air she has about herself.  With a background in teaching, management and music she has a talent for gently bringing you in harmony with ancient sensual wisdom. A taste of her softness you will see in a meditation she leads in our co-created show.

As your heard Dr. Elsbeth Meuth say in our cosmic conversation, she is getting ready for a 5 week program for women „Awaken to Your Feminine Essence“ starting in September.  Her gift to you is her Self-Assessment. It provides you with insights and tools. I can imagine her 3 videos leading up to the workshop carry precious healing information in themselves. 

Delve into her fascinating complexity even more on her TantraNova Institute site where you find many more gems. With the institute’s co-founder Freddy Zental Weaver, she traveled the world to give retreats and workshop. See if they may be in your area of the world. Or soak up their wisdom in their book „Sexual Enlightenment” or bestselling DVD series Creating Intimacy & Love.

Below you may sign up to stay in the knowing of our interactive live Sacred Expression Q&A Show in the fall where you can share your wisdom with Dr. Elsbeth Meuth or ask us questions and upcoming episodes.


The audio of the Sacred Expression Show.


Enjoy our Sacred Expression Q&A Show we held on August 29, 2016.


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